Product information


  • Side Force for Suspension Spring Tester is a new and innovative machine that is develop from our spring testing machine over the years.
  • There will be three load cells above and under the compression and an additional three load cells for the XY axis, using 9 load cells for total compression load on proprietary software, to obtain displacement force from the top and bottom moment of the spring with reference to the center.
  • All data can be collected in a single movement using this tester.

*Note : No side force for Tension Spring in SFT series.

Standard : Graph of Compression Load against  Length
Fx-Fy : Graph showing the side force based on XY-Axis.
Fxy-deg : Graph showing the angle obtained from the side force based on XY-Axis.
Mz : Moment for Z Axis
GxU-GyU : Graph showing the displacement from the top of the spring in XY-axis with reference to the center of coil.
GxyU-deg : Graph showing the displacement in angle from the top of the spring in XY-axis with reference to the center of coil.
Mx-U : Moment for X-Axis at the top of the spring
My-U : Moment for Y-Axis at the top of the spring
GxL-GyL : Graph showing the displacement from the bottom of the spring in XY-Axis with reference to the center of coil.
GxyL-deg : Graph showing the displacement in angle from the bottom of the spring in XY-Axis with reference to the center of coil.
Mx-L : Moment for X-Axis at the bottom of the spring
My-L : Moment for Y-Axis at the bottom of the spring
  • You can pick up any data to determine whether it is within specifications.
  • Axis-X being the axial force, Axis-Y being center of gravity, Determine the force using upper and lower moment (torque).

SST & SFT Series comes with Japanese, English, Korean & Chinese (Simple/Traditional) 4 Languages, which can be change anytime by user thus conforming standardization and consistency in measurement that supports worldwide testing.


Measurement result is a 3D view that helps you to recognize the magnitude and direction of the side force with reference from the center for the moment (torque) of top and bottom of the spring.

Test Action Compression Only Compression & Tension
(No side force for tension spring)
Maximum Load 20kN 50kN 1kN 5kN
Unit Selection N, kN, kgf, lbf
2 Range Auto Switch Over 20kN / 2kN 50kN / 5kN 1kN / 100N 5kN / 500N
Load Resolution 0.01kN / 0.001kN 0.01kN / 0.001kN 0.1N / 0.01N 1N / 0.1N
Maximum Side Force Load 2kN 5kN 100N 500N
Load Resolution 0.001kN 0.01N 0.1N
Load Accuracy JIS B 7738 Class 0.5 ( ± 0.5% of Applied Load)
Maximum Stroke 800 mm 590mm
Length Resolution 0.01 mm
Length Accuracy ± (0.05 + 0.0001 * L) mm where L is the arbitrary length
Test Speed 10~2000 mm/min
Diameter of Anvil Ø250mm Ø340mm Ø150mm
Thread Hole of Anvil Center M16 x P2.0 M6 x P1.0
Precision Head Control Precision ball screw and servo motor control
Speed control key
(H,M,L keys)
High Speed: 1000 (mm/min), 1 mm / inching
Medium Speed: 100 (mm/min), 0.1 mm / inching
Low Speed: 10 (mm/min), no inching
Protective Stop Function Stop by the upper and lower limit
Stop by the upper and lower soft limit function
Stop Key and emergency stop button to prevent overloading
Power supply Single Phase AC 220~240V (50/60Hz) Three Phase AC 220~240 (50/60Hz) Single Phase AC 220~240V (50/60Hz)
Power Rating 1.5 kVA 4.0kVA 300VA
Dimension W920 x D670 x H1800mm W990 x D860 x H1800mm W800 x D400 x H1240mm
Weight Approx. 650kg Approx. 900kg Approx. 200kg